Just be. Just notice. Just rest in the view. Just this. Just do it (oops..). About the use of the word "just..". by spiritual teachers.
Sam Harris just notices
I once just did a Sam Harris word cloud of his Daily Meditations in the Waking Up app. "Just notice" ranked top. Actually, he has ca 120+ meditations to teach the just noticing.

At that point, I just noticed that it's always the long-term meditators with 30-40 years experience in various traditions who ask others to just be. And they spend a considerable amount of words on it.
Yuja Wang just plays the piano
It reminds me of just how easy playing the piano at the level of Yuja Wang is:
🎹 Just hit the right keys with the right fingers at the right speed at the right time. Simple! 🎹 |
Ok, in her case, additionally with just the right outfit.
Anyway, what I just wrote was just mind. Forget it and instead, just listen, because after all, she just plays.
And some pointers on just how she plays in this insane way:
Daniel P Brown teaches to just not meditate
And here is a 700+ page equivalent of "just be" meditation training at the level of Yuja Wang´s piano virtuosity. it´s also called "The meditation of non-meditation", where you extremely skilfully manage to not meditate.
Or download here:
Btw I used the word cloud generator appropriately named "www.wordclouds.com" . Just great!
Btw: "just" is just a weasel-word "(David Chapman)