How to use AI to re-engineer a course on therapy (IFS) and psychedelics, based just on the topics of a class. A totally simplistic approach for beginners like me!
How to become Egbert Dolly (aka Eckart Tolle), the spiritually rich teacher of absence, in 4 easy steps. Using Artificial Intelligence (Claude).
Deconstructing the Mind 1: Daniel P. Brown on Meditation as "Pattern Recognition in Reverse"
I broke the bank (actually I broke Bing)
"Just rest!" - the problem of bad teaching. Sam Harris, Daniel P Brown, Tulku Lopsang
So you think it is risky to talk to me? Slippery slope or not? AI Claude to the rescue!
The transformation of hard-core Tibetan meditation instructions to Sam Harris Waking Up app
Rupert Spira: 👺DEBUNKED AS HAVING PRIDE! 👿 A new performance challenge for "enlightened teachers"!
Certain to be unsure - the Uncertainty Dictionary
AI humor - Claude mulls over Sam Harris word clouds and drinks motor oil tea
AI: Watching out for you. Three financial scams, analysed for free by
Tucker - Putin: admits to overreach and assumption without sufficient evidence. And how to prevent cheating by a forgetful Claude. Watch out.
Daniel P Brown and the Catholic Church: a meditation teacher deals with the church, a corrupt criminal racketeering company to hide pedophiles
Daniel P Brown, the CIA Operation Phoenix, and trauma: a forgotten part of US history as motivator for a fiercely protective Buddhist fighter
Arestovych: from public Dugin supporter to Ukraine presidential candidate and opposition Update 2024.01.25
Daniel P Brown, CIA and LSD research, Stan Grof: a meditation teacher´s involuntary connection to program MKUltra...
Daniel P Brown: His book recommendations
India 1936, the Nazis, my father playing flute music by Teleman
Meditation teachers & drug users: Daniel P Brown and Culadasa on psychedelics